Springfield WORKS recognized by Mass DTA for Career Pathways Work

The Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance recently recognized the work of Springfield WORKS in a press release. The press release quotes our Director, Anna Kandilis, saying,

“Springfield WORKS teamed up with the DTA Works Coordinator for the West and Central regions to bring a DTA Works career track program to Springfield. We agreed that the paraeducator track was a great career track and a much-needed program for our community. Thankfully HCC and SPS agreed,” said Anne Kandilis, Director of Springfield WORKS. “This type of whole family collaboration, with employers at the table, is part of the mission of Springfield WORKS, to have thriving communities, where economic opportunity and well-being is possible for all. The DTA Works internship program will serve as a scalable model in building career pathways to living wage jobs in other “opportunity occupations” in our region.”

Read more at Mass.gov:
